As insurance brokers, MGA have access to farm insurance policies from various insurers operating in the Australian rural insurance sector.
Modern farming is a complex business. There can be significant differences in methodology, equipment and systems depending on the nature of your farm, be it a hobby farm, market garden, orchard, vineyard, station country or broadacre farm, as well as the different farming practices depending on the region you operate in. In light of this diversity, a need has risen for a combined farm insurance policy that can cover the key components of a farmer’s insurance risk in one simple policy.
The process of lodging and settling a farm insurance claim can be difficult to understand. MGA's insurance brokers have the experience to know and understand the farm insurance covers that are required by farmers, which is why we source farm insurance covers that are packaged into one easy-to-understand farmer’s insurance policy.
Note that if you have a farm, as well as perform contract farm work, restrictions to the insurance cover may apply and will need to be brought to the attention of your insurance broker prior to initiating cover.
We also recommend that farm insurance policies should be extended to other risks that farmers tend to face. This is why farm insurance policies that we recommend can also cover: